Wednesday, October 3, 2018












Bad Trip


Ellis Dea


Frankly, I'm not permitted or asked to contribute unless we seem to be living through what seems to be a bad acid trip, complete with paranoia, strange thoughts, and hallucinations.  "Seems" is the operative word here, as I am assured that these things are actually happening. 



All of this comes about as a result of the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court and the background to it. 


It takes awhile for the chemical to work, so right now, we can talk about some perversions that actually happen and are somehow understandable, such as necrophilia.  Why would someone want to have sex with a dead body?  Well, there are people who are very oversexed and yet can not relate to other human beings, especially women.  Pedophilia?  Sort of the same thing.  We are told that rape is some sort of power thing, not a sexual one.  So let's ask a few questions.


And it hit me.  So, what can be the point of a gang rape such as has been discussed in Senate hearings recently?  Now, surely not to prove power.  Think about it a minute.  On the one hand, there is perhaps a 5'2" woman, at 112 pounds, or 5'4" and 120 lbs., and on the other some guy 5'10" to 6'5" or even more, weighing anywhere from 160 to 215 pounds, or higher.  Most women don't even compete in Greece-Roman wrestling when they are young and most guys, presumably, are involved somehow in some sort of combative activity.  They should also know better than to "prove" power by attacking the woman.   And yet we send these guys to the Supreme Court? 


The monsters are coming out now.  Frighting buggers all.  Evil.  Gotta finish this.


So there are other psychological abnormalities I can understand, especially addiction.  The best that can be said is this case is that Brett is in the "Denial" stage.  In other words, he is lying.  Also, a bit entitled, no?  He starts attempting to cross-examine Senators?  Or course, it is fair to say that he only tried this with Female senators. 


One has to have a bit of sympathy for poor Brett.  He started with nowhere to go but down.  His entire life has been one long struggle to remain as privileged as he was when he was born.  A real cross to bear.  Sort of like the self-made millionaire who is now President.  Why, he only received a yearly salary to start with when he was three years old.  It grew to a million by the time he was 18 or 21.  Yes, what a success story.  Had he simply left his money in a portfolio, he would be worth over ten Billion dollars.  As it is, he is hardly worth one Billion.  And they guy worked so hard, too.


Then, poor Donald had all these business expenses, having to pay off porn stars and other women.  It has been a tough life to live, that's for sure.


I still don't get this rape thing, however.  Somebody like Cosby, who at least grew up poor, at the time in question must have had women dying to sleep with him, just to say they did, much less for a possible recommendation for a part in some show.   Same thing for Harvey Weinstein, although now those issues seem petty in comparison.  Even the fact that they seem petty is very strange and monsterizing.


How about explaining this: Why would some guy be, say number 8 in a string of guys ejaculating into the same female as the previous seven with the last 15 to 30 minutes?  It is impossible to relate to that.  In fact, it is grossing me out.  I mean, what a vile mess!  This trip is going on too long.  I quit!  Someone get some heavy downers, quick!   Help!!!! 


Look, Times guys, you do a good job over all, but some things that are going on are just too freaky.  Don't call me, I'll call you.


Ellis Dea


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