Thursday, May 24, 2018

THE DEEP STATE -- NRA -- Ollie North


Thoughts and Prayers from the NRA

[Editor: After long weeks of searching for Dr. Czar Donic, I sent out hunters who located him being held prisoner by the deep state. The reports are that he refused to leave as "at least these people do their jobs," but wiser heads prevailed and all realized that the mean old Stockholm Syndrome had entrapped him. They finally extricated him by quoting several paragraphs from the F.A.R (Federal Acquisitions Regulations) and they had to surrender him. He is now back and we have water boarded him, using Gina Haspell as oversight manager, to give an report of what has happened while he was hiding out. I had to swear at him in German before he finally gave in as the waterboarding proved futile. That did it.]

Ok, so I've been rescued if you want to call it that and the curse by Art was chilling: HERRGOTTDONNERNACKEINMAL! A literal translation does nothing to explain – you simply have to imagine Arthur Schopenhauer shouting that at you at the top of his hearty lungs to get the idea. (Or as he would have it, his idea, and all is his idea.)

Now my only escape is to summarize what has been going on in the insane world dominated by images and verbiage of the fat orange oligarch and try not to get sidetracked.

More mass shootings, this time in Texas. A speech by the head of the NRA (Ollie North????) to the effect that the cause of such things is Ritalin. Ah, that explains it. We have to remember who this Ollie North is, the boy scout of the Ronald Reagan era who gave up his career as a spokesman for 20 Mule-Team Boraxo and General Electric on DEATH VALLEY DAYS to enter the world of politics as a spokesman for all corporate interests. It marked the first time in his career that he was ever considered an actor. (When I say Reagan, it means not only him, but his sponsors, from now on).

Reagan made a deal with the Ayatollah of Iran not to release the hostages in the American Embassy until after the election so Carter would be defeated, the liberal swine that he is, and still is. We would give them back their money, at least lots of it, and they would do us a favor. The favor came due as the Sandinistas came into power in Nicaragua and we supported the "Contras," a right-wing neo-fascist group that needed more weapons to overthrow these socialists out of power. Imagine, an open election won by Socialists. It just would not do. The trouble was that a law had been passed forbidding giving arms to overthrow governments as we were above that sort of thing. So, we asked Iran to supply the arms.

In return for immunity, full immunity, Ollie North testified about the entire ugly deal. People asked if Ronald was ever told about such a loathsome affair, and most concluded that "Yes, he was told, but he forgot." A few years later it became clear that he had Altzhimers and so it all worked out. Ollie North was the major engineer of this action, and the world court found the U.S. Guilty. We ignored the verdict. Today, this scum is Head of the NRA. Ollie North. Ritalin.

Nowadays, Mike Pompeo, the brilliant U.S. Ambassador to everything, is negotiating with North Korea. He has given then the choice of accepting our terms. Otherwise, he will not be allowed to join "The League of Nations" (his term – Woodrow Wilson would be aghast as he is still angry with Eugene O'Neil for throwing a brick through his window – now Mike Pompeo is after his legacy? He is happy to be dead and buried. Well, at least he is buried.

Deep State Memos

So, while I was a hostage of the deep state, I questioned members there to learn more about what was going on in the reign of Don of Orange, as they call him. FBI agents tell me I can use the information so long as I say it is from the deep state – that way, no one will believe it.

The biggest gripe they had right now is Don's leaking of secret reports from the Israeli Mossad to the Russians in the White House. I asked them about the Russian movement to attack Hillary, and they confirmed it, but when I asked about the millions of dollars contributed by Zionist interests along with the UAE, they became very angry and didn't want a word out. They already had enough trouble cooperating with the Mossad as things were and didn't what anything more to get out so I was "on your own," in that respect. Still, they did nod as I went on and on about the campaign here and the movement of the Embassy to Jerusalem. The numbers of dollars involved amounted to 100 K but the Russians and over 1 million by the Mideast consortium, led by Eric Prince, the head of Blackwater (which still exists although it has changed its name several times). One of Eric's rewards was the awarding of Secretary of Education to his sister. This was only allowed providing that she never be the designated survivor in case of the destruction of the government during the State of the Union address.

They really don't care about Kushner who will have a place of honor so long as he doesn't interfere with Donald and Ivanka. I learned about this as my Virgil (who spoke no Italian or Latin) led me into a large room with the words "Es Geht Alles Vorbei" inscribed over the door. I looked at him and he told me it was the motto of one of the German experts we imported after WWII. All of these Deep State people represented groups with initials and said they read the ABSURD TIMES. I asked why and they told me that while they had all the data, they had no conclusions. I told them I had plenty of conclusions, but no data. It worked out fine.

I asked about North Korea and everyone started laughing. One said he would nominate John Bolton for the Nobel Peace Prize. They said they tried to tell them that saying "Libyan Model" would not play well, but that is what got them called the "Criminal Deep State" and that I would be better off if nobody knew about this. I told them nobody would believe it but them, and no one listened to them because they knew what was really going on. All in all, we had a great time in that soundproofed room. They also said that they advised Pompeo to say "Community of Nations instead of "League of nations" and they said that will stick. Too many things were discussed, but all were football fans and had a few nasty things to say about the owners. About the only good thing the owners ever did, they said, was to keep Don of Orange from owning his own team. After that, things began to get very strange, but I was "rescued" by my editor who ran in shouting obscenities in German and dragged me off. I was in Virginia, I found out, at that time, but now I'm back and ready to report again.

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