Wednesday, April 11, 2018

United nations Syria








Assad with the only head of state invited into Syria.










There has been too much going on and I've just stored all the information for later.  One thing that is important and should be mentioned is that Iona Craig, perhaps the only reliable journalist on the subject of Yemen, did an interview.  However, you can follow her at @ionacraig (I think).  I'll get to it eventually.  Gaza has also been covered.  But today, I need to reveal the deep workings on the UN Security Council now that we have a genuine madman in as National Security Advisor.  The only thing safe about it is that Trump doesn't listen to advice.


So, one recent afternoon, I ran into a UN discussion on Sryia.  Just for context, the only elements invited in by a sovereign government, Syria, are Russia, Iran, and Hezbollah (if you count them).  All the rest are invaders.


We should make it clear that Assad, President of Syria, has been very ungrateful to us of late.  Here we send his the making of the best regime the CIA can devise and he doesn't want it.  He does not even say thank you.


So I tuned in and the Russian was speaking.  It seems that there actually was no attack and all the people need is to be sprayed with water.


The next speaker, and here it became difficult to follow, as I got very groggy by that time, lamented at the absence of Lady Justice.  There was also something about a handmaiden in there. 


Then someone mentioned that impunity was denied.  I think he had the name Inchauste in his name somewhere.


Now in the middle of all this, Salisbury became the discussion.  Why the hell are we debating Salisbury?  Discussing what to have for lunch?  Then it became clear that it had to do with poisoning a father and daughter who decided to be on England's side rather than Russia's.  They never did explain why Russia was never given a sample of the offending substance to analyze, but what happened to Syria?


Well, someone chimed in quickly and mentioned that there was an elephant in the chamber.  I looked around as that was something worth noting, but none appeared.


It turns out that the "White Helmets" are mercenaries.


One thing that has to stop is the U.S. referring to governments as "Regimes".  That's a dirty word.  If it happens again, Russia will call a point of order and stop the meeting.  So watch it, Nikki.  This isn't Carolina.


Syria mentioned that there were bunches of unaffiliated orphans with long breads and carrying black banners, of White Helmets, and so on and Syria is offering them up for adoption.  This is a humane gesture for all the orphans in Syria.  Take them. 


All in all, it was good to see how the International Community works.



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