Sunday, March 4, 2018







I think just about everybody gets this.


What are we fighting about?


Papa Yaga


This is just a quick comment on internal divisions within the sane portion of the electorate.  It actually reminds me of the old remark from Will Rodgers: "I don't belong to any organized Political Party.  I'm a Democrat."


I was quite disturbed to see this thread on Twitter recently.  I have shortened it by 90% and eliminated much of the spaces that did not translate into my work processor, but what is here is typical.  When there is the entire Republican Party and the Upper 1% to be concerned about, it is disheartening to bee such rancor between Hillary and Bernie factions within the portion of the electorate that consists primarily of people with 3 digit IQs and a sense of decency.  Indeed, I have once been accused of being a "bot", which was news to me.  Perhaps this artificial intelligence has gone too far?  Clearly, some of these people need to learn how to use the "Mute" function on Twitter.  Life will be much easier for them.


At any rate, it is consistent with the conditions that elected Richard Nixon President in 1968.  Eugene McCarthy entered the race to eliminate LBJ and his Vietnam War.  Shortly after, Bobby Kennedy joined in.  Immediately, there was quarreling between the two factions.  Meanwhile, many leaders were assassinated and the SDS split factions as well, with some member opting for a more militant strategy (the Weatherman Faction).  Soon, quarrels broke out between those two factions.  While everybody was able to unite during the 1968 convention, Hubert Humphrey was chosen to run against Nixon.  It is difficult to imagine a more faulty strategy until the last election.


That decision left us with Richard Nixon who "had a secret plan" to end the Vietnam War, and promised to "bring us together."  The secret plan was to also bomb Cambodia, Laos, and North Vietnam more ferociously and bringing us together was evidenced by Kent State and other accomplishments.  He also, strangely enough, started the EPA.  Many believe that he did end the Vietnam Way, but in reality the war ended under our leaving while Gerald Ford was briefly President after granting Nixon a full pardon.


But let us stay back in time.  Soon another war broke out between males and females, both with similar political outlooks.  The attacks extended to the language itself with "Chairperson" replacing "Chairman," "Hys" suggested was replacing his and hers, and a number of other changes.  Fortunately, English is not as highly inflected as German and certainly Latin, so people could still understand one another.  Additionally, another split arose in the party and that led to the election of Ronald Reagan.  The defeat was so overwhelming that the practice of "Super delegates" was devised to keep more progressive candidates from winning a nomination.   That is what happened this last election, believe it or not.  This left us with Donald Trump as President.  That move was reminiscent of putting Hillary's name into nomination rather than that of Sanders, and certainly she was no more effective than Hubert. 


Clearly, the country was ready for a new approach and both Trump and Sanders supplied that.  Hillary and the 16 other Republican candidates did not.  Enough said.  (We have enough enemies as it is.)

Some have said that the infighting brought on Tom's death.  I find this unlikely.  Another friend I have gave up his efforts because of the silly infighting.  The real point is that for our current purposes,  this infighting is nothing more than counter-productive, bots or no bots.  It is Botulism.



"Well... I have been trolled for 24 hours straight in order to force me to stop 'Slandering' Bernie Sanders. I can safely say that I still do not like him, I will never stop exposing his questionable activities, and I will never vote for him in any lifetime.

1.                             Elizabeth Rogers @ahumorlessfem Mar 3


Replying to @BravenakBlog

Also he's rude, incompetent, boring, and probably has stinky breath and pits.

10 replies11 retweets209 likes


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2.                             I'm not amused with your crap. @BravenakBlog Mar 3


I find him shrill and unladylike.

16 replies19 retweets348 likes



3.                             Vorlon1 @RobertVorlon1 Mar 3


Wouldn't it be wonderful if that became a more widespread criticism of male politicians?

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4.                             Feel the Bearnaise @BerniedOut Mar 3


He should smile more. I'd accuse him of being overprepared but, well...

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5.                             justahuman ❤️ @HumanResisting Mar 3


Wait, you guys are in to something. That's what we need to do from now on. I'm becoming convinced that equality isn't treating women as well as men have been, but treating men as bad as women have been!

5 replies10 retweets51 likes


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6.                             Feel the Bearnaise @BerniedOut Mar 3


Oh, those snowflakes would melt so fast, the naked eye couldn't see it.

2 replies2 retweets19 likes


7.                             Amy Holden JonesVerified account @aholdenj 23h23 hours ago


Replying to @BravenakBlog @riotwomennn

Sanders is done. It will take a moment for everyone to get it. But the fever has broken

10 replies25 retweets160 likes



8.                             I'm not amused with your crap. @BravenakBlog 23h23 hours ago


This is what I see. Many have already moved on, its the cultists who are scared to le him go. They have no one else to glom onto.

3 replies4 retweets75 likes


9.                             Wakanda Unicorn @qbanqt 21h21 hours ago


Replying to @BravenakBlog

You mean after 24 hours of bullying, you STILL don't want anything to do with that less than mediocre WM who is just a different side if the same Trump coin? How odd. 

2 replies3 retweets50 likes


10.                       I'm not amused with your crap. @BravenakBlog 21h21 hours ago


I must be a Democrat neoliberal awake and aware person.

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11.                       Wakanda Unicorn @qbanqt 20h20 hours ago


Or cashing those Soros checks. Btw, STILL haven't gotten my money. Are us shills supposed to email Soros directly or does it go to his assistant?

2 replies3 retweets31 likes

12.                       Amanda Schwarzkopf @akschwarzkopf 20h20 hours ago


The Obama Deep State sends it by Venmo. 

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13.                       Karla Adams @adams_karla 18h18 hours ago


Shhhh Secret Society.

1 reply0 retweets6 likes



14.                       Amanda Schwarzkopf @akschwarzkopf 18h18 hours ago


15.                       PissedoffFedupBoricua @b10burd3n 21h21 hours ago


Replying to @BravenakBlog

If the Berners and roses want to run again, run as democratic socialists of America, their beloved organization and leave the dems out of it. I totally bet he would win. Lol.

3 replies5 retweets36 likes



16.                       melaka ‍   @melakatweets 20h20 hours ago


I don't think Bernie would win. But I honestly, sincerely, would like to encourage DSA to run at local levels. We need their voice too. But you gotta go from ground up to build a party.

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17.                       I'm not amused with your crap. @BravenakBlog 20h20 hours ago


I will vote for them locally if they do that. It would show they are ready to do something rather than just talk. Activism is great but it is not governing. I am actually ready for diversity at the local level. If the Greens had run locally and got rid of Stein, I'd vote.

1 reply2 retweets20 likes

18.                        ❄️ 필핒핞핒 핊핟할함핗핝핒한핖  ❄️ @northeast_mama 12h12 hours ago


That's what I kept saying in 2016—run good people at the local level. Let them gain experience. Then you'll eventually have someone as a presidential candidate who actually has something to offer. Stein was a freakin' JOKE.

2 replies7 retweets32 likes










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19.                       I'm not amused with your crap. @BravenakBlog 12h12 hours ago


Stein is a clown.


New conversation

20.                       ProudDem    @AmyAsalmon40 10h10 hours ago


Replying to @BravenakBlog

Although we don't like him. Why keep bashing him! Anyone isbbetter that 45... Let's focus on getting the monster out of office rather than keep up with the Bernie versus Hillary thing.... I rather people tweet factual comments about 45 to get more People on our side.

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21.                       I'm not amused with your crap. @BravenakBlog 9h9 hours ago


I want him to retire and I have two years to get it done. Is it okay if I do what I do and you do what you do?

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22.                       marion holland @chapter6t Mar 3


Replying to @BravenakBlog

Curious. Did you ever support him? I voted for him in the primary. And am frankly embarrassed about it.

11 replies5 retweets87 likes



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23.                       I'm not amused with your crap. @BravenakBlog Mar 3


Ugh. I supported him first and hated Hillary. Then Netroots happened.... Dumped him.

6 replies4 retweets81 likes


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24.                       Lisa Brackmann     @otherlisa Mar 3


I started disliking him after his campaign stole Clinton campaign data and then fundraised off that. But the NYDN interview he did should have sunk his candidacy for good. The fact he got away with that just goes to show how sexist the media is--you think Hillary would have?

6 replies29 retweets182 likes










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25.                       BIGGUS BUTTON @erossny123 Mar 3


Sanders Voted: • For NRA-backed laws to give gun manufacturers legal immunity • To allow guns on Amtrak • Against comprehensive immigration reform • To dump Vermont's nuclear waste in a Latino community in Sierra Blanca, TX Opposed plans to raise visa caps on immigrant visas

1 reply34 retweets98 likes



26.                       NYC118 @nyc118 24h24 hours ago


Yes. Bernie's record is the reason to not vote for him; the way he showboats, refused to release taxes, and dismisses women and PIC are reasons to intensely dislike him. And then there's his wife—if Bill was fair game, Jane is too.

2 replies3 retweets37 likes


27.                       BIGGUS BUTTON @erossny123 16h16 hours ago


Hillary was the first woman nominee of a major political party in the United States. He stole that moment with that disgusting bullshit performance at the convention, while he sat there with that sheepish grin on his face. Basking in applause. He can eat me.


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28.                       Anne Henry   @DearBlueflower Mar 3


Replying to @BravenakBlog

Love this thread. His massive ego wouldn't allow him to step down when it was clear Hillary was the nominee or even after. And Susan Sarandon? I will never pay to see another movie she's in.

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29.                       Marcia La Résistance @MarciaBunney Mar 3


I won't even watch her movies for FREE, on TV - she's that poisonous. Can't stand her.

4 replies5 retweets62 likes



30.                       Anne Henry   @DearBlueflower 22h22 hours ago


Same say that Trump's election would lead to the "revolution."..right. And also supreme Court appointees...people losing healthcare...etc. smh.

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31.                       geokaren @geokaren 22h22 hours ago


I guess it's easier to pine for a "revolution" when you've got 50 million in the bank and are jetting off to Milan to go shopping in the middle of it.

0 replies5 retweets24 likes



32.                       Register & VOTE 2018 @SusanDFinSD Mar 3


Replying to @BravenakBlog

Airlines have a no fly list, I have a NO Vote list Trump Mike Pence Ted Cruz Bernie Sanders Jill Stein Nina Turner Tulsi Gabbard

12 replies53 retweets237 likes"

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