Monday, September 23, 2013



For further information and documentation on the matter discussed below follow this link:

Illustration: Pentagon right after the strike. Where is the airplane?

There is actually nothing new about the secrets revealed in the article published in 2010, but it seems to be the first opportunity to reevaluate all that has been said about the so-called "Conspiracies". The central idea is that people use their minds to find the answer that best comports with their own pre-conceived biases or beliefs rather than to evaluate the evidence anew and attempt to arrive at a more scientific or objective solution. Another word for this could be "lazy brain syndrome".

This has been known for ages, actually, but simply has just recently become explicitly stated in a peer-reviewed scientific journal published by an extremely reliable and respected publication. In the last cognitive revolution back in the 17th Century many of the suppositions of the previous millennium and more were simply abandoned and replaced. Descartes is best know for his statement Cogito Ergo Sum, which was the first thing he decided he could say after abandoning all his past beliefs and assumptions. We can dispense with the usual criticisms inherent, such as he assumes that thinking is a process, that an "I" is capable of it, and that such was going on, and realize that some things we need to take on faith. A similar fate befell Bertrand Russell in his attempt to "PROVE" that 2+2=4. He failed.

Still, it is common in people to dispense with this assumption altogether and simply believe what is easiest, a sort of Occam's Razor of everyday life. Thus, we find the extreme manifestation of this today in the religious fundamentalists' belief that dinosaurs are only 6,000 years old despite all evidence to the contrary. Certain interests in our government, especially during the past 90 years or so, have refined this tendency and taken advantage of it. Much of this activity is found in the term "Conspiracy Theory," a convenient way of dismissing and concealing activities of the government to further the interests of the intelligence industry.

It is compounded by the fact that often these agents welcome such accusations against it in order to elude detection in other areas. A classic example of this is Area 51, the place where Harry Truman allegedly concealed alien visitation from outer space, the UFOs, the "flying saucers," issue. In reality, a top-secret form of spy craft was apparently seen, denied by the government, and the media immediately seized on it as the UFO cover-up. The intelligence community could not believe its luck and did its best to exploit the "conspiracy". Since military technology is often a decade or so ahead of public awareness, this media frenzy was secretly welcomed. Denials of the UFOs of course fueled more speculation and, meanwhile, the military development was allowed to continue unscrutinized. They could not have planned it better.

We have a similar phenomenon today with the right-wing assertions that shiny black helicopters are roaming the skies as part of a United Nations takeover and world government run by the Trilateral Commission. These are actually drones collecting information for NSA, but it will take some time for this to be made public. Edward Snowden has already made enough of NSA's practices known that there is no need for further analysis here. Our government does not call them "conspiracy theorists" because they are simply wrong. If they were right, then they would be so labeled. For this reason, the term "State Crimes Against Democracy" (SCAD) has been coined to replace it.

It was only after the JFK assassination that the term "Conspiracy Theorist" was coined and flying saucers used as an example. It was a defensive move to label anyone who thought that the assassination of JFK was part of a governmental/intelligence agency and thus make the entire idea seem foolish and preposterous. The Warren Commission Report was published as an attempt to explain the entire thing but, to the government's chagrin, intelligent people began to actually read it, some of who became angry and others laughed, and the entire operation came into disrepute. It was far easier to call anyone who questioned it a "Conspiracy Theorist" than to actually defend the report, far easier.

So let us start over and see what we actually do know. It is clear that the U.S. Government (other governments as well, but we will remain focused here) uses and sees no fault with assassination as an instrument in foreign policy, albeit as a last resort. One clear example is Mossadegh, the socialist leader of Iran, in 1953. We replaced him with the Shah, a brutal dictator with obvious long-term results. He was eventually overthrown and replaced with an extremist Islamic government. The government actually worked in the interests of the people for awhile until some of its more secular and logical leaders fled the country or were executed and the focus turned to making sure that men and women did not swim at the same time and so on. The one aspect of the country and its government that remains even today is that it will not obey us and is determined not to be undermined by us. This is the legacy of Dulles.

Other examples include Salvador Alliende in 1973, King Faisal of Saudi Arabia after the Oil Embargo, Omar Torrios in Panama, Patrice Lumumba in Africa, activists in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Yemen (and their children), and well-known are the many failed attempts on Fidel Castro. The deaths by cancer in Central and South America also seem suspicious, including Venezuela and Brazil.

Now, where and when have we seen likely SCADs? As mentioned, the assassination of JFK is the one that comes to mind most easily. Now, how could this be foreign policy related? At the time he was assassinated, 20,000 American Soldiers, all volunteers, were stationed in Viet Nam. In addition, the U.S. sprayed deathly chemical over the entire country in 1962. In Cuba, we had the Bay of Pigs incident, among others. Kennedy also had a need to prove his manhood against Castro. Kennedy grew up during Korea in a wealthy family with an urge to become a politician. Castro grew up poor in Cuba with pitching baseball for the New York Yankees as his goal. Pitching can take a great deal more cognitive analysis and inventiveness than American politics.

A bit more historical fact is needed here. Castro took over Cuba from out puppet, Batista, well-portrayed in the Godfather movie movies. When he took over, he nationalized all the companies (today it would be "corporations"). He did offer to reimburse the companies for their value, but they refused, saying they were worth much more than he offered. He then agreed to pay whatever their valuation was, provided they pay back taxes based on that valuation. They refused saying that taxation is wrong, or a betrayal, or some other evil thing. He then simply kept them without reimbursement. He seemed to have no choice. This was during the Eisenhower/Nixon administration and, again, Dulles was involved. Viet-Nam began at least under the Eisenhower/Nixon administration, but Truman may have had a role in taking over the colonial role from France. Certainly Truman's behavior towards Stalin at Yalta contributed to the years of the so-called "cold-war." At any rate, all of this was inherited by Kennedy.

Now, the Bay of Pigs fiasco was a CIA operation planned during Eisenhower/Nixon and when Kennedy finally realized how the CIA was running things counter to his own objectives, he, in his brother's terms, "cleaned house" and the entire Dulles era was over. His brother's leashing of J. Edgar Hoover did not endear him to the FBI, whose role is supposed to be entirely internal, but by that time it is possible that organized crime found out about Hoover's sexual fetishes. At any rate, Hoover concentrated increasingly on "Communists" with the country rather than crime figures. Of course, this meant a concentration on those who sympathized with Castro as well as, eventually, those who opposed Vietnam policies.

It is somewhat obscure, even today, whether Kennedy intended to withdraw from Vietnam in his second term. It is also obscure whether the Cuban missile crisis taught him anything, as it was only the decision of one Soviet captain not to launch nuclear missiles, against orders, that kept hostilities from breaking out. What is clear is what happened after his assassination and the election of LBJ. In short, who had the most to gain from his assassination?

After his assassination, LBJ had himself sworn in immediately, drafter Earl Warren from the Supreme Court to make things seem quite non-conspiratorial. The fact that the only accused only had a chance to say "I'm only a patsy" before he was killed, his killer died after his request to be transferred out of state was refused, 22 key witnesses died within two years, and so on has been well-documented. Mark Lane and others have done extensive work on this and all agree that there WAS a conspiracy. Beyond that, there is disagreement as to who was behind it.

Well, right after the next election, LBJ had over 500,000 troops in Vietnam. Nothing changed in respect to Castro. For each soldier in Vietnam, 20 support staff were required. The military budget skyrocketed. Any party who supplied munitions and other wares to the military profited immensely as did the intelligence community. This war continued until Gerald Ford was in office. LBJ was great at arm twisting as he managed to force Israel's support for Vietnam in return for arms during the 67 war, as atonement for attacking the U.S.S. Enterprise, and also induced Arthur Goldberg, an excellent Supreme Court Justice, to quit the lifetime appointment in order to support Israel at the United Nations. The only thing of value Goldberg did after that idiotic move was to liberate baseball for the reserve clause with Curt Flood as his client.

MLK was shadowed for years by Hoover as a "Communist Agent," but anything King did was sanctioned until he made one mistake. He made a speech against the war – he was assassinated within hours or days.

RFK was careful not to publicly oppose the War, but it was well known that such was his intention. When it became clear that he would be able to have a credible chance of being nominated for the Presidency and would have defeated Nixon (it was well known that he was also his brother's campaign manager), he had to go.

All of Malcolm X's activities were allowed until he went to Mecca and returned, attracted a large following, and started talking about international matters. He had to go. In fact, any African American leader with a large following who dares speak ill of U.S. foreign policy had to go. Is it now clear why Obama seems so pro-military?

Under Nixon and Regan, military spending increased exponentially.

So, what other conspiracies are in contention? The latest one is the 9/11 bombing of the World Trade Center. Clearly, Bush wanted to invade Iraq and kill Sadam, and much was done in the name of protecting us from a repeat of 9/11. Clearly, Bib Laden was first recruited and trained by the U.S. and had offices in New York City as he prepared to lead opposition to the Soviet Union in Afghanistan. In addition, quite a bit of chemicals, the type only used in intentional implosions of building were found at the site. Clearly, there is no reason to doubt that it was welcome by the Bush administration, Haliburton, and Blackwater. There is much room for skepticism and certainly there is no reason to rule it out as a conspiracy on the grounds that George W. Bush was too moral to sanction such an undertaking.

Additional questions arise as well: why is there no publicity or controversy over the crash into the Pentagon? Surely, that should be a matter of interest. We hear little about the destruction of building number seven which was not hit. We do know that there had been considerable communication between government officials (nameless) and Al-Qaeda officials (nameless). What did they talk about? We do know very well that no individual had more personal animosity for Saddam Hussein that did Bin Laden.

The biggest and most plausible objection to all of these assassinations is that it would be impossible for a large governmental agency to keep all participants quiet. However, it is also quite clear that they were well orchestrated. Everyone involved only knew so much, and most did not even know that their actions were involved in these assassinations. Those who knew too much and could not be trusted to remain silent are dead.

The problem today in uncovering any of these State Crimes Against Democracy is that it is much easier for everyone simply to dismiss the accusations as "nutty conspiracy theories like area 51," and go on their ways. American people are mentally lazy anyhow, and the term "conspiracy theory" makes it easy for them not to be bothered with making the effort. Additionally, our school system indoctrinates remorselessly towards patriotism and thus predisposes them to reinforce their notions rather than challenge them.

Posted By Blogger to The Absurd Times at 9/16/2013 04:35:00 PM

Monday, September 2, 2013

Resistance to Cognitive Re-evaluation

This was originally published in 2010 so far as I can determine.

It is fully in accordance with what we have known for centuries:  people are not open to re-evaluation of their beliefs, especially if they were inculcated (such as in religion) or obtained at an early age (such as patriotic jingoism in Elementary Schools).

However, it also helps to explain how some Orwellian techniques are at work as well.

It is not at all clear that there is an alternative reality to the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center as Bin Laden was knowledgeable about Engineering and building and knew the implosive effects of an oxygen-draining explosion within a closed area such as the Buildings were and so indicated at the time, but building seven remains unexplained.

Of more importance are some of the other conspiracies and the obvious decline of government since the JFK assassination.  At any rate, here is the information:

Friday, July 23, 2010

State Crimes Against Democracy

State Crimes Against Democracy 

by Prof. Peter Phillips and Prof. Mickey Huff

Global Research, March 4, 2010 

Project Censored - 2010-03-03 

New research in the journal American Behavioral Scientist (Sage publications, February 2010) addresses the concept of “State Crimes Against Democracy” (SCAD). Professor Lance deHaven-Smith from Florida State University writes that SCADs involve highlevel government officials, often in combination with private interests, that engage in covert activities for political advantages and power. Proven SCADs since World War II include McCarthyism (fabrication of evidence of a communist infiltration), Gulf of Tonkin Resolution (President Johnson and Robert McNamara falsely claimed North Vietnam attacked a US ship), burglary of the office of Daniel Ellsberg’s psychiatrist in effort to discredit Ellsberg, the Watergate break-in, Iran-Contra, Florida’s 2000 Election (felon disenfranchisement program), and fixed intelligence on WMDs to justify the Iraq War.(1)

Other suspected SCADs include the assassination of Lee Harvey Oswald, the shooting of George Wallace, the October Surprise near the end of the Carter presidency, military grade anthrax mailed to Senators Tom Daschle and Patrick Leahy, Martin Luther King’s assassination, and the collapse of World Trade Center Building 7 on September 11, 2001. The proven SCADs have a long trail of congressional hearings, public records, and academic research establishing the truth of the activities. The suspected SCADs listed above have substantial evidence of covert actions with countervailing deniability that tend to leave the facts in dispute.(2)

The term “conspiracy theory” is often used to denigrate and discredit inquiry into the veracity of suspected SCADs. Labeling SCAD research as “conspiracy theory” is an effective method of preventing ongoing investigations from being reported in the corporate media and keep them outside of broader public scrutiny. Psychologist Laurie Manwell, University of Guelph, addresses the psychological advantage that SCAD actors hold in the public sphere. Manwell, writing in American Behavioral Scientist (Sage 2010) states, “research shows that people are far less willing to examine information that disputes, rather than confirms, their beliefs . . . pre-existing beliefs can interfere with SCADs inquiry, especially in regards to September 11, 2001.”(3)

Professor Steven Hoffman, visiting scholar at the University of Buffalo, recently acknowledged this phenomenon in a study “There Must Be a Reason: Osama, Saddam and Inferred Justification.” Hoffman concluded, “Our data shows substantial support for a cognitive theory known as ‘motivated reasoning,’ which suggests that rather than search rationally for information that either confirms or disconfirms a particular belief, people actually seek out information that confirms what they already believe. In fact, for the most part people completely ignore contrary information.” (4)

Sometimes even new academic research goes largely unreported when the work contradicts prevailing understandings of recent historical events. A specific case of unreported academic research is the peer reviewed journal article from Open Chemical Physics Journal (Volume 2, 2009), entitled “Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust for the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe.” In the abstract the authors write, “We have discovered distinctive red/gray chips in all the samples. These red/gray chips show marked similarities in all four samples. The properties of these chips were analyzed using optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray energy dispersive spectroscopy (XEDS), and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The red portion of these chips is found to be an unreacted thermitic material and highly energetic.” Thermite is a pyrotechnic composition of a metal powder and a metal oxide which produces an aluminothermic reaction known as a thermite reaction and is used in controlled demolitions of buildings.(5)

National Medal of Science recipient (1999) Professor Lynn Margulis from the Department of Geosciences at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst is one of many academics who supports further open investigative research in the collapse of the World Trade Center towers. Margulis recently wrote in Rock Creek Free Press, “all three buildings were destroyed by carefully planned, orchestrated and executed controlled demolition.”6 Richard Gage, AIA, architect and founder of the non-profit Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Inc. (AE911Truth), announced a decisive milestone February 19, 2010 at a press conference in San Francisco, CA. More than 1,000 architects and engineers worldwide now support the call for a new investigation into the destruction of the Twin Towers and Building 7 at the World Trade Center complex on September 11, 2001.(7)

Credible scientific evidence brings into question the possibility that some aspects of the events of 9/11 involved State Crimes Against Democracy. Psychologically this is a very hard concept for Americans to even consider. However, ignoring the issue in the context of multiple proven SCADs since World War II seems far more dangerous for democracy than the consequences of future scientific inquiry and transparent, fact-based investigative reporting. Anything short of complete, open discourse based on all the evidence about these critical issues in our society relating to the possible continuation of SCADs is simply a matter of censorship.(8)

Peter Phillips is professor of sociology at Sonoma State University, President of Media Freedom Foundation/Project Censored, former director of Project Censored, and coeditor of Censored 2010.

Mickey Huff is associate professor of history at Diablo Valley College, Director of Project Censored/Media Freedom Foundation, and co-editor of Censored 2010.


1 Lance deHaven-Smith, “Beyond Conspiracy Theory: Patterns of High Crime in American Government,” American Behavioral Scientist, Vol. 53, No. 6, (February, 2010): pp. 795-825. For more studies on SCADs and related issues see all articles for American Behavioral Scientist, Sage publications, Vol. 53, No. 6, (February, 2010), online at

For more background reading on this subject with specifics on the controversial cases mentioned in this paragraph, see the following scholarly works: Robert Abele, The Anatomy of a Deception: A Reconstruction and Analysis of the Decision to Invade Iraq (New York: University Press of America, 2010); Bob Coen and Eric Nadler, Dead Silence: Fear and Terror on the Anthrax Trail (Berkeley, CA: Counterpoint, 2009); Daniel Ellsberg, Secrets: A Memoir of Vietnam and the Pentagon Papers (New York: Viking Adult, 2002); Steve Freeman and Joel Bleifuss, Was the 2004 Election Stolen? Exit Polls, Election Fraud, and the Official Count (New York: Seven Stories Press, 2006); Robert Griffith, The Politics of Fear: Joseph R. McCarthy and the Senate. (Amherst, MA: University of Massachusetts Press, 1987); David Ray Griffin, The Mysterious Collapse of World Trade Center 7: Why the Final Official Report About 9/11 Is Unscientific and False (New York: Olive Branch press, 2008); Mark Crispin Miller, Loser Take All: Election Fraud and the Subversion of Democracy, 2000-2008 (New York: Ig Publishing, 2008); Kenneth O'Reilly, Hoover and the Un-Americans: The FBI, HUAC, and the Red Menace (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1983); Robert Parry, Trick or Treason: The October Surprise Mystery (New York: Sheridan Square Press, 1993); William Pepper, An Act of State: The Execution of Marin Luther King (Updated) (New York: Verso, 2008); Sheldon Rampton and John Stauber, Weapons of Mass Deception: The Uses of Propaganda in Bush's War on Iraq (New York: Tarcher and Penguin, 2003); selected works of Peter Dale Scott, including Deep Politics and the Death of JFK (1993, 1996), Drugs Oil and War (Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, March 2003), The Road to 9/11 (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2007), and The War Conspiracy: JFK, 9/11, and the Deep Politics of War (Ipswich, MA: Mary Ferrell Foundation Press, 2008); Norman Solomon, War Made Easy: How Presidents and Pundits Keep Spinning us to Death (New Jersey: John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 2005); Lawrence Walsh, Firewall: The Iran-Contra Conspiracy and Cover-up (New York: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., 1997); Gary Webb, Dark Alliance: The CIA, The Contras, and the Crack Cocaine Explosion (New York: Seven Stories Press, 2nd Edition, 2003);

2 Ibid.

3 American Behavioral Scientist, Sage publications, February, 2010, Vol. 53, No. 6, online at Specifically, see Laurie A. Manwell, “In Denial of Democracy: Social Psychological Implications for Public Discourse on State Crimes Against Democracy Post-9/11,” American Behavioral Scientist, Vol. 53, No. 6, (February, 2010): pp. 848-884.

4 “How We Support Our False Beliefs,” Science Daily (Aug. 23, 2009) online at For the full study see Steven Hoffman, Ph.D., et al, "There Must Be a Reason: Osama, Saddam and Inferred Justification," Sociological Inquiry, Volume 79 Issue 2, (2009): pp. 142-162.

5 Niels H. Harrit, Jeffrey Farrer, Steven E. Jones, Kevin R. Ryan, Frank M. Legge, Daniel Farnsworth, Gregg Roberts, James R. Gourley, Bradley R. Larsen, "Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe," Open Chemical Physics Journal, Vol. 2 (April 3, 2009): 7-31, online at

6 Lynn Margulis, “Two Hit, Three Down, the Biggest Lie,” Rock Creek Press, February 2010, Vol. 4, No. 2, p. 6, and online at

7 Richard Gage, AIA, Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth, Press Conference, February 19th, 2010, SF, CA, online at See the Conference announcement video online at

8 For more on issues of media censorship see Peter Phillips and Mickey Huff, eds., Censored 2010 (New York: Seven Stories Press, 2009).

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Peter Phillips is a frequent contributor to Global Research. Global Research Articles by Peter Phillips 

Global Research Articles by Mickey Huff

 State Crimes Against Democracy   No comments: 

Pretending Not to See or Hear, Refusing to Signify: The Farce and Tragedy of Geocentric Public Affairs Scholarship

Pretending Not to See or Hear, Refusing to Signify: The Farce and Tragedy of Geocentric Public Affairs Scholarship

Matthew T. Witt
University of La Verne, CA, USA,

This article opens with an inventory of how popular culture passion plays are homologous to the stampeding disenfranchisement everywhere of working classes and the emasculation of professional codes of ethics under siege by neoliberal initiatives and gambits.The article then examines a recent example of contemporary,“deconstructive” scholarly analysis and inventory of presidential “Orwellian doublespeak.” The preoccupation among contemporary critical scholarship with “discourse analysis” and language gambits is criticized for displacing interrogation of real-event anomalies, as with the porous account given by the 9/11 Commission for what happened that fateful day. The article concludes by explaining how critical scholarship consistently falls short of unmasking Master Signifiers.

American Behavioral Scientist
February 2010; 53(6)

 State Crimes Against Democracy   No comments: 

The USA PATRIOT Acts (et al.): Convergent Legislation and Oligarchic Isomorphism in the "Politics of Fear" and State Crime(s) Against Democracy (SCADs

The USA PATRIOT Acts (et al.): Convergent Legislation and Oligarchic Isomorphism in the “Politics of Fear” and State Crime(s) Against Democracy (SCADs)

Kym Thorne
University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia,

Alexander Kouzmin
University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia, Southern Cross University, Lismore, Australia, University of Plymouth, Plymouth, UK


The irrelevance of habeas corpus and the abolition of “double jeopardy,” secret and protracted outsourcing of detention and torture, and increasing geographic prevalence of surveillance technologies across Anglo-American “democracies” have many citizens concerned about the rapidly convergent, authoritarian behavior of political oligarchs and the actual destruction of sovereignty and democratic values under the onslaught of antiterrorism hubris, propaganda, and fear. This article examines synchronic legislative isomorphism in responses to 9/11 in the United States, the United Kingdom and European Union, and Australia in terms of enacted terrorism legislation and, also, diachronic, oligarchic isomorphism in the manufacture of fear within a convergent world by comparing the “Politics of Fear” being practiced today to Stalinist—Russian and McCarthyist—U.S. abuse of “fear.” The immediate future of Anglo-American democratic hubris, threats to civil society, and oligarchic threats to democratic praxis are canvassed. This article also raises the question as to whether The USA PATRIOT Acts of 2001/2006, sanctioned by the U.S. Congress, are examples, themselves, of state crimes against democracy. In the very least, any democratically inclined White House occupant in 2009 would need to commit to repealing these repressive, and counterproductive, acts.

American Behavioral Scientist
February 2010; 53(6)

 State Crimes Against Democracy   No comments: 

In Denial of Democracy: Social Psychological Implications for Public Discourse on State Crimes Against Democracy Post-9/11

In Denial of Democracy: Social Psychological Implications for Public Discourse on State Crimes Against Democracy Post-9/11

Laurie A. Manwell

University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada,
Protecting democracy requires that the general public be educated on how people can be manipulated by government and media into forfeiting their civil liberties and duties. This article reviews research on cognitive constructs that can prevent people from processing information that challenges preexisting assumptions about government, dissent, and public discourse in democratic societies. Terror management theory and system justification theory are used to explain how preexisting beliefs can interfere with people’s examination of evidence for state crimes against democracy (SCADs), specifically in relation to the events of September 11, 2001, and the war on terror in Afghanistan and Iraq. Reform strategies are proposed to motivate citizens toward increased social responsibility in a post-9/11 culture of propagandized fear, imperialism, and war.

American Behavioral Scientist
February 2010; 53(6)

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Negative Information Action: Danger for Democracy

Negative Information Action: Danger for Democracy

Christopher L. Hinson

Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL, USA,
This article explores evidence of, and provides insight into, secrecy-related information actions that are sometimes used to circumvent established government policy and law. These information actions may also be used to cover up such circumventions after the fact. To better understand secrecy as a negative information action and its impact on democracy, secrecy-related information actions are described according to methods, information technologies, and knowledge support. Negative information actions are willful and deliberate acts designed to keep government information from those in government and the public entitled to it. Negative information actions subvert the rule of law and the constitutional checks and balances. Negative information actions used by government officials to violate policies and laws during the IranContra Affair are identified, analyzed, and categorized by type. The relative impact of negative information actions on enlightened citizen understanding is demonstrated using a Negative Information Action Model by assigning a location according to type on a continuum of enlightened citizen understanding. Findings are compared with democratic theory and conspiracy doctrine.

American Behavioral Scientist
February 2010; 53(6)

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Beyond Conspiracy Theory: Patterns of High Crime in American Government

Beyond Conspiracy Theory: Patterns of High Crime in American Government

Lance deHaven-Smith

Florida State University, Tallahassee,

This article explores the conceptual, methodological, and practical implications of research on state crimes against democracy (SCADs). In contrast to conspiracy theories, which speculate about each suspicious event in isolation, the SCAD construct delineates a general category of criminality and calls for crimes that fit this category to be examined comparatively. Using this approach, an analysis of post—World War II SCADs and suspected SCADs highlights a number of commonalities in SCAD targets, timing, and policy consequences. SCADs often appear where presidential politics and foreign policy intersect. SCADs differ from earlier forms of political corruption in that they frequently involve political, military, and/or economic elites at the very highest levels of the social and political order.The article concludes by suggesting statutory and constitutional reforms to improve SCAD prevention and detection.

American Behavioral Scientist
February 2010: 53(6)

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Sense Making Under "Holographic" Conditions: Framing SCAD Research

Sense Making Under “Holographic” Conditions: Framing SCAD Research

Matthew T. Witt
University of La Verne, CA, USA, wittm{at}

Alexander Kouzmin
Southern Cross University, Lismore, New South Wales (NSW), Australia; University of South Australia, Adelaide, South Australia (SA), Australia, akouzmin{at}


The ellipses of due diligence riddling the official account of the 9/11 incidents continue being ignored by scholars of policy and public administration. This article introduces intellectual context for examining the policy heuristic “State Crimes Against Democracy” (SCAD) (deHaven-Smith, 2006) and its usefulness for better understanding patterns of state criminality of which no extant policy analytic model gives adequate account.This article then introduces papers included in this symposium examining the chimerical presence and perfidious legacy of state criminality against democracy.

American Behavioral Scientist
February 2010; 53(6)

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