[I should point out here that the final statement turned out to be utterly false. One of Freud’s major contributions to theory (and least understood or utilized) is that the therapist should regard everything that the client says as true. On the surface, this may seem naive, it has several advantages. First, it is much easier to remember what the client has said in previous sessions. Second, the patient probably experiences reality differently than does the therapist. Finally, and most important, it is much easier to question the client when he or she makes a statement that contradicts and earlier one. In this contradiction is most likely an opportunity for intervention.]
3.c.: Evaluation, limitations, unique contributions, most and least liked.
While Freud's terminology and basic concepts are extremely useful from a theoretical and diagnostic standpoint, they are limited in that they emphasize sexual urges and the ability of the individual to change through conscious cognition is depreciated. Adler, on the other hand, shifts the focus from sexual urges to power or superiority, defined as perceived improvement in ones status, abilities, and/or competence -- the drive to "master" a situation. Gemeinschaftsgefühl is the key to Adler's therapeutic approach -- working with the client to develop a social interest ("intuition" might be a better translation although mnemonically "feeling" is close enough).
The strength of Adler's theory lies in the more optimistic view of humankind to change and develop and on the focus on individual differences. Through awareness of our irrational beliefs and self-defeating behavior, we can change and gain this power. In addition, it allows for the variance in perceptions from one individual to another. No two people perceive reality (whatever that is) alike because they come to it not only with different sensory capacities but with different minds shaped by their backgrounds which greatly influences their perceptions of reality. Indeed, if our entire makeup were determined prior to the age of six, there would be no sense in trying to change it and there would be no reason for therapists.
I would alter the concept of Gemeinschaftsgefühl from being perceived as an end to employment as a means of obtaining personal power. It seems to imply that one can only be happy or have personal power when accepted by a group whereas one aspect of personal power seems to me the ability to transcend the need for belonging and the concomitant subscription to group norms. Eventually, of course, the individual through self-sufficiency may well become integrated into a group with similar norms and values, but the establishment of health individual norms and values should take precedence.
I will discuss birth order under personal application, below.
3.d.: Concepts and techniques I want to incorporate.
Fictional finalism (I do wish the German terms were available here) seems an inherent stressor that I would like to incorporate -- strongly akin to Ellis' irrational beliefs. I would certainly incorporate the capacity for change through cognitive activity which would include encouraging insight. Acceptance of the individual and encouragement are very important. The phenomonological view of reality is essential in understanding individual differences. I would still use some of the Freudian terms, internally, to come to a basic understanding of these differences, but I would not employ them in communicating that understanding. Adler's Weltanschauung is superior in helping a client to develop Selbstgefühl (or self-reliance -- cf. Gemeinschaftsgefühl).
When appropriate, I would employ any or all of the techniques listed in Corey (150-151). One that could work very well with intelligent, introverted clients is called "Acting as If" (151) or role-playing. It should be possible to teach a client how to role-play a "type." Once the client knows the type of person to play, he or she is protected behind that role. If the role evokes the desired reactions from people, he or she may wish to incorporate some of its characteristics into his or her behavior. If it fails, only the role failed, not the client. Another approach can be attempted with little ego-damage.
3.e.: Personal application.
The order of birth or place in the family is important in development. I am a first child. I believe that one of the characteristics of a first or only child is introspection and a striving for self-improvement. My sister, second in line, fits Adler's profile in that she was and is entirely conventional. The next sister combined these characteristics to some extent. I was most like my father and they were most like my mother. While growing up, I could at times communicate with the youngest but almost never with the older. I had not kept in touch with either of them until my father's death, however, and I noticed that I could communicate with my oldest sister who was and is very materialistic. At least we were able to organize the disposition of the estate. The youngest one became impossible to deal with as her emotionalism was entirely undirected.
However, more important as I look back, was my main peer group in high school (before that groups were less defined, it seems to me). I can list nine of them immediately. Of those nine, five were only children. I was close to being an only child as our household became sharply divided as to father/mother alliances and the same applied to the other first child. The remaining two were last children and nothing at all like their parents or society expected. There were no middle children whatsoever. As I think of secondary relationships beyond the group, no group member was involved with a middle child either.
Before that I had discovered the role playing or "Acting as If" technique. By the time I had found the primary group, I was also involved in two other groups, one completely athletic and the other completely socio-sexual. I found both groups shallow. (Locker room conversation and discussions of the weather and "top 40" music can be stifling.) However, without first being able to "master" inclusion into these groups, membership in the primary group may not have happened. With the primary group, knowledge of Sartre and enjoyment of Bach was an asset, not a characteristic to be suppressed. (Parenthetically, the only person I know of who had a working knowledge of Zen and became a major league baseball player was Bill Lee who was given the nickname of "spaceman." He did, however, say that negotiating with the team owner while sitting in the Lotus position gave him a psychological edge.)
3.f.: Questions to pursue further.
There are several questions to pursue further. His approach to women seems enlightened. I would like to find out more about specific techniques. His own versions of "perversions," having talked once of "curing" a man of homosexuality and his attitudes towards masochism and sadism are interesting, but they seem quaint by today's standards. Since his approach serves as the basis for other, more modern, approaches (Existential, REBT, etc.), I will be pursuing those instead of delving further into Adler. I would say my approach will be much closer to Adler's than Freud's.
Recently, my browser send most re-posts here, so I'm just expanding it a bit. Some publications and comments on Cognitive behavioral Science and Therapy remain. Questions and participation welcome.
Monday, September 17, 2012
Monday, September 10, 2012
Intro to Freud
Theory has always been one of the most interesting aspects of education in Psychology,
although studies show tthat it is almost impossible to asertain the theoretical orientation of
the therapist by observing them in practice. This is not so much as to say that theory and practice
are widely at variance as to say that they are two unrelated fields.
However, when I first began studying the subject I had a fairly good instructor. She was not very
adept in theory and certainly was no scholar, but she did stimulate discussion and thought and allowed
the student to progress as rapidly as possible without obstruction. She would also help those who
were cognitively handicapped.
I just happened to come across some of the earlier writings in did in that class (before I had any
background or training in the field). I thought they might be interesting to someone out there just starting
out in the field or interested in teaching the course for the first time. Here is the one on Freud:
Probably the most listed positive aspect of Freud's approach is that he is the first, the pioneer. Unfortunately, this statement could also become his unique contribution and the most-liked aspect of his theory. In general, the theory is considered superseded by subsequent theories. However, we might as well say the same about Newton.
Freud postulated that there is some sort of driving force (libido) that seeks to manifest itself through us (libido). The first part of our consciousness that expresses this drive is the Id. However, society will not tolerate every individual's expressing that urge directly, so it prescribes values to check the Id and this system of values becomes ingrained in the mind and is called the Superego. The individual seeks to mediate between these two forces through the Ego. The ego is developed in stages, each associated with a specific biological task (or, in later versions such as Erickson's social task). Unresolved conflicts in these stages of developments are called complexes and they are often repressed into the unconscious. These repressed, unconscious conflicts cause inadequate ego functioning or neuroses. It is the task of the therapist to bring these unresolved conflicts to the conscious level. From there, presumably, the patient is able to deal with them and reconstruct the ego and thus function more optimally.
3.d.: Concepts and techniques I want to incorporate.
I do not see myself using any of the techniques such as complete non-disclosure nor would I be looking for early childhood problems unless my client was a child. I think that it is important to separate diagnosis from treatment here.
However, I think that most clients would have some sort of conflict between Id and Superego to resolve, at least the normal dichotomy between what they want to do and what they feel they ought to do. Quite often, what they feel they ought to do should be examined. Another concept not really explored in Corey is the dichotomy between Thanatos and Eros, between restraint and desire. There are definite social constraints placed on the individual that force repression of the libidinous forces which society, by and large, has labeled negatively. To what extent can the individual be helped to separate external and internal repression? And what external or socially induced repressions can the individual manage to ignore? To some extent, this reconciles Freud with Ellis (examining irrational beliefs) and that is where I would be concentrating.
3.e.: Personal application.
An attempt at self-psychoanalysis in a page or less seems a bit self-defeating. However, Freud might say that I developed an oral fixation manifesting itself through talking, smoking, and liking to drink just about anything. In the anal stage something happened as my office often shows signs of the primordial chaos. During the phallic stage, my guilt as a result of an Oedipal fixation on my mother led me first to want to kill my father but I "joined" him instead as my personality, beliefs, and intellectual curiosity were characteristics of him.
If I were to analyze myself using the terminology, on the other hand, I'd say that early on I had realized the Superego structure my mother and the church (which also was her idea) was self-defeating and that I had reconstructed it more along the model of my father. One other contribution he made was to introduce me to reading and through that numerous other sources for refutation of traditional superego concepts and a knowledge that society uses guilt to police its members and repress them.
Individuals also use this Superego structure to manipulate others. An excellent example is an insurance salesman selling life insurance. He is trying to play on guilt feelings ("Don't you love your family? What if you were gone? How can you live with yourself if you don't buy this?"). A way to attack this is to think of it as a bet. They are betting you that you will live. If you die, you win the bet.
At the current time, I believe that one secret to a content life is the facility to make what one needs to do also what one wants to do.
3.f.: Questions to pursue further.
I believe that there will be a growing interest in the area of spirituality. I am not referring to traditional monotheistic preoccupations, but to any sort of "supernatural" answer to anything. We know, for example, that the client's belief in the therapist is a paramount factor in adjustment. To what extent is this similar to "faith-healing?" The ability to reconcile Superego and Id, to make them identical, to "sublimate," so to speak, is a characteristic of Zen in which I have some interest. It is the ability to focus on the immediate and concrete to the extent of identification with the concrete which seems to me something that can be achieved through meditation and other such exercises. What I have already pursued is attacking irrational Superego mandates through logical attacks on them.
In short, the Freudian terminology works, helps one to focus on problems, gives names to processes and forces we all share, uncovers the truth that we all have conflicts or problems we have not resolved. The specific causes of those conflicts and the specific solutions to them are what is unique, not universal. To some extent, however, they are caused by an irrational belief in socially imposed dicta.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Reality Theory
As I first read about "reality therapy," I found myself wondering "in what way is this approach superior to that of Freud, Adler, Rogers, the existentialists, or Ellis?" An alternate question could be "in what way does it add to my knowledge or theory?" I found I was asking myself the wrong questions as I could not find a single positive answer.
I think that Glasser's Control Theory has some techniques that can be applied well and may prove useful with clients in need of direction as opposed to those who are able to benefit from an alteration of existing cognitive structures or patterns. I can see myself using on adolescents or adults who are not philosophically inclined. In short, the type of client who asks for advice, those who need to be taught. I realize that Corey talks about a "learning process," but this process seems to take place on the superficial level. I am also aware that this approach has its fervent admirers and that my own view is more a reflection of my own inclinations than it is a fair, objective evaluation, but at the same time I would prefer to keep this approach as a last resort, something to do with a client I can not reach or communicate with on a deeper level.
Take, for example, his notion that a client "chooses to depress." As I see it, this is true only to the extent that the client's perception of the situation is such that the objective phenomenon encountered becomes depressing. The approach I would try first is exploration with the client as to why the phenomenon appears depressing. However, Glasser would argue that we choose to be depressed because it gives us certain rewards or control over our environment. Others may either pity us or leave us alone, for example. Having a "headache" is another example, but it is one thing to say one has a headache as an indirect way of avoiding unpleasant tasks that involve others and quite another to actually have a headache because the unpleasant task is "causing" it.
Probably the single most irritating aspect of "reality therapy" for me is the planning. Again, while it may be very effective with the type of client mentioned above, I am one of those people who never make New Year's Resolutions. One reason is that it seems such a faddish, ritualistic, process with little real meaning. The only person I know who has actually kept a New year's Resolution is myself and that resolution was never to make one. I have made decisions to change behavior on my own and done it successfully, but it has never come about through declaration of it to others. It has always been through an internal, cognitive, alteration. I could make a New Year's Resolution by changing my attitude towards the process of making such resolutions first, however. I could use this approach with a client, but I would do my best to make sure that it was an attainable one that would lead to others.
3.d.: Concepts and techniques I want to incorporate.
Some of the questions seem helpful. For example, the question "what do you want?" has always seemed to me quite ludicrous and I generally associate this question with weak-minded authority figures or significant others (who soon became insignificant). What do I want? Money, health, happiness, world peace, compulsory Mozart listening, friends with triple digit I.Q.s -- want a longer list? In other words, I have an aversion to such questions.
Glasser's questions, on the other hand, help formulate ideas and goals, albeit for less reflective clients. "What would your family be like if your wants and their wants matched?" Through this question, one can eventually arrive at an understanding of what is causing family conflict as it will most likely lead to a discussion of a difference in wants and these wants will be defined as a result. Now we may have an insight into the person's wants.
I favor having the client commit to a goal, to a behavior change, and for some writing it down as a sort of contract might achieve this end. More effective would be to foster a sense of "internal commitment" directly so that the contract was not needed. For some, writing the contract may actually produce some cognitive changes.
3.e.: Personal application.
As I've mentioned above, with a client, the list of rules for planning that Corey lists (270-71), would prove helpful. I may use the analogy of the front wheels and the back wheels with some clients.
So far as applying it to myself, I see little application. For example, in the discussion of headaches, above, I distinguished two different type of headaches -- real and feigned. The next time I have a real headache, I may ask myself if I am choosing to have one, but the process would be introspective, self-analysis.
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Interactions of Self-organizing Systems in Nature
Interactions of Self-organizing Systems in Nature
Atanu Bikash Chatterjee
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Bhilai Institute of Technology, Bhilai house
Durg, 490006 Chhattisgarh, India
e -mail:
Abstract: Nature essentially consists of complex systems. The paper presents a conceptual
framework to understand how complex systems interact with each other in nature. All natural
systems are thermodynamically open and physically adaptive. The process of adaptation and
continual self-organization cause these systems to interact continuously with the environment
and compete against such similar systems for limited resources.
Keywords: complex systems, complexity, information, self-organization, network, hierarchy,
natural process, human mind, cognitive process.
Introduction: A system is a collection of
internally interacting elements and
constraints. The systems that are found in
nature are thermodynamically open and
therefore, continuously exchange energy
and entropy with the surrounding media.
The systems found in nature are
structurally complex. A system can also be
defined as a connected network.
Complexity increases not with the amount
of connections between the nodes that are
present in a system but due to the
numerous combinations of possible
connections. All natural systems have a
tendency to organize with time. Processes
that result towards greater organization are
called natural processes
. Evolution is a
cyclic process
1, 2
; therefore, the changes
incurred by the system affect the system
itself. Thus, the system evolves through a
positive feedback loop. On reaching a
certain level of organization (node), the
system stores the information in its
physical memory.
The theory and practice of sustainable
environment - by which each level of [2]
hierarchy (physical, chemical, biological,
social and cultural) is supported by the
previous one - has in theories of evolution
of complex systems, a useful tool for
designing, planning, monitoring and
evaluating different strategies and
interventions. At its own scale each
species is unique; while at their scales,
their parts differentiate increasingly as
they recover from perturbations during
development, becoming ever more
intensively unique
Interaction can be thought of as process of
information exchange between the systems
and nature.
Interaction as a process of information exchange
Complex systems interact with each other
through exchange of energy and entropy.
Entropy is a measure of the lack of
information about a process
. Thus,
entropy is a quantitative notion and it can
be used to quantify the amount of
information present within a system. The
Shannon entropy is given by,
= −
It can also be used as a tool for measuring
the information exchange between
systems. Interactions between systems
occur at all levels of hierarchy and even
surpass metaphysical and philosophical
levels. Metaphysical level of interaction is
a form of social interaction between all
self-organizing complex systems existing
in society
. It is this form of interaction at
meta-physical level that helps us to
understand nature. Human thought process
is affected by nature and various natural
processes as the human mind is itself a
complex self-organizing system.
Conclusion: The paper presents an idea to
understand the interaction of complex
systems at the social and philosophical
levels. The idea presented in this paper can
be applied to understand the human-self
and the various conscious processes in
more detail.
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